Day 1 :
- Infectious Diseases | Infection Prevention and Control | Antibiotics | Public Health | Paediatric Infectious Diseases | Viral Infections
Session Introduction
Hacer Mutlu Danaci
Akdeniz University, Turkey
Title: Investigation of titanium dioxide used in architecture in the context of human health
Time : 10:30-10:50

She received her Bachelor of Architecture degree from Yıldız Technical University in 1998, and then her Master's degree titled "Analysis of Visual Relationships Between Tourism-Purpose Buildings and Environment on the Coasts of Kemer and Knokke (Belgium)" in Akdeniz University Institute of Science, Department of Landscape Architecture in 2007, It is seen that he completed his doctorate in 2012 at Akdeniz University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Landscape Architecture. The subject of his doctorate is the study of local architecture and cultural landscape in the context of the Elmalı district of Antalya. He has studied in the fields of local architecture, architectural education, visual evaluation, aesthetics, ecological architecture and nanotechnology.
In addition to his work at the office and the construction site, he has been working at Akdeniz University, Department of Landscape Architecture between 2005 and 2009, and since 2009, at Akdeniz University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Department of Building Science, within the framework of his professional experience. Dr He received the title of Lecturer in 2014 and the Associate Professorship on April 27, 2015. She still studied at Akdeniz University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Department of Building Science as a Professor.
Titanium dioxide (TiOâ‚‚) nanoparticles have a wide range of applications including food, agriculture, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry, textile, plastic and paper industry, construction industry, since TiOâ‚‚ is a photo catalytic substance in building products, it is used to create self-cleaning surfaces. In addition, it finds use in building products due to its antibacterial properties, preventing steam formation, and creating UV resistant surfaces. In the paints applied to the exterior of the buildings, it prevents the adhesion of bacteria and dirt to the surface and ensures that the dirt is removed from the surface with the rain. It is used in coatings, ceramic surfaces, insulation products, photovoltaic batteries, although it is especially used in glasses due to its self-cleaning feature.
The aim of this study is to try to understand the possible effects of TiOâ‚‚ nanoparticles used in building products on human health. In line with the purpose of the study, a literature review was conducted. However, a direct study on the human health effects of TiOâ‚‚ nanoparticles on building products could not be reached. In this context, studies in various fields investigating the effects of TiOâ‚‚ nanoparticles on human health have been examined in the literature. The effects revealed in the studies examined were compiled within the scope of this study. Exposure to TiOâ‚‚ nanoparticles is by mouth, inhalation, and skin contact. In addition, drugs used, body implants and environmental pollution cause exposure to TiOâ‚‚ nanoparticles.
When the studies on the effects of TiOâ‚‚ nanoparticles on human health by multi-disciplines are examined, TiOâ‚‚ nanoparticles; It has been reported that it can cause toxic effects by accumulating in cells and tissues, cause edema and infection in the lungs, have a toxic effect on the blood-brain barrier, have a carcinogenic effect, affect the reproductive system, create an allergenic effect, and in some studies, no adverse effects have been observed. However, it was emphasized that more data and studies are needed. In addition, it was noted that the results of the experimental studies were related to the dose, method, duration, and particle size of the application.
With this study, it is thought that TiOâ‚‚-containing products can be evaluated in terms of human health in the selection of construction products, and awareness can be raised in the pre-determination of the risks that may arise later.
Marzieh Taherzadeh
Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: Production and evaluation of multi-epitope recombinant protein of Leishmania infantumin serological diagnosis of Visceral leishmaniasis (kala azar) by ELISA
Time : 11:50-12:10

Marzieh Taherzadeh has recently completed her PhD course and work at Bushehr medical science university now. During her educational and research experience in the field of parasitology, she has ended up several successful projects. The present research is the result of her thesis project.
Statement of the Problem: Visceral leishmaniasis, which is Mediterranean in Iran, is caused by leishmania infantum. The importance of this disease is due to the untimely death of the untreated patients, the difficulty in treating patients with immunodeficiency and high numbers of children involved. Therefore, attempts to diagnose rapidly with high sensitivity and specificity and timely treatment are inevitable. The present study was conducted for the first time in Iran to increase the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic ELISA test for human visceral leishmaniasis using a multiepitope antigen.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: A gene fragment composed of eight different epitopes from the major antigens of Leishmania Infantum was developed and sent to biomatic company for synthesizing. The Multiepitope Recombinant sequence was cloned and expressed in pET 32a and E. Coli BL21 (DE3) respectively. The antigen was identified by the SDS page and then verified with the Western blot. Purification was performed by affinity chromatography Ni-NTA resin (sigma). Finally, pure MRP was coated in microtiter plate and the sensitivity & specificity detection of anti-leishmaniasis antibodies in the serum of patients was evaluated.
Findings: Intact cloned plasmid with 7kb weight, intact uncloned plasmid with 5.5kb and as expected the insert sequence fraction with 1.2 kb on a 1% agarose gel was detected. Then, bacterial expression lysate on acrylamide gel 12%, was shown recombinant antigen band with 63 KDa size markers. The protein band was confirmed in the next step by western blot with the same molecular weight. Sensitivity and specificity of the antigen were calculated 93.1% and 77.14% respectively in ELISA serodiagnosis test.
Conclusion & Significance: MRP contained epitopes of several important L. infantum antigens was successfully expressed in the prokaryotic system and results of its potential serodiagnosis of HVL were well documented. According to reaction between the MRP and the specific IgG in humans, it could be concluded that the main objectives of the present study are best achieved. More optimization has been postponed for future study due to the time limitation. Further studies are required to evaluate the immunogenicity in animal models and to verify the immuno-reactivity of MRP as a new diagnostic antigen.
Pooja Khurana
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, India
Title: Probability estimation of COVID-19 reinfection
Time : 12:30-12:50

Pooja Khurana is a professional academician with strong analytical skills seeking the position of Associate professor and researcher focusing in Biomathematical modeling (epidemiological modeling). She has published multiple papers in the areas of biomathematics, social networking indexed in Scopus, Web of Science; presented various mathematical reports in conferences and seminars. She is an expert in applying mathematical principles to complex real-world problems and well-versed with mathematical software such as Mathematica, MATLAB. She is currently mentoring three scholar candidates and is skilled with applying the concepts of statistics, numerical analysis, and probability in building and simulation of mathematical models for improving healthcare.
Background and Objective: COVID-19, an epidemic disease, caused by a novel coronavirus called SARS-COV2, significantly affected the whole world. The expeditious rise of corona cases has overpowered everything. Though the number of cases in some selected regions began to slow down after taking precautionary measures (quarantine, social distancing, vaccination), again due to easiness showed by the individuals in preventive measures, the second wave of corona has emerged. A large number of detecting kits and high sensitivity of rt PCR test, community health workers tested various individuals and recorded infectious and recovered ones. The objective of this study is to estimate the probability of COVID-19 reinfection with the help of mathematical equations in the recovered compartment of the system.
Method: A new SIRS model has been proposed with the help of differential equations, whose stability has been checked via Jacobian matrix, and reproduction number has also been calculated.
Results: Due to the avoidance of important preventive and precautionary measures by the people across the community, the cases accelerating erratically. The analytical results obtained by the numerical solutions revealed that the people who were recovered by either quarantine themselves or by synthetic/ chemical treatment/ vaccination can have a chance of reinfections came out to be 1.03.
Conclusion: As there are chances of being reinfected, it’s important to get vaccinated and follow all the precautionary measures required to combat COVID-19 infection.
Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil
Title: Immunodeficiency generated by energy deficiency as the cause of non-improvement of nosocomial osteomyelitis in the knee post motorcycle accident
Time : 13:10-13:30

Huang Wei Ling, born in Taiwan, raised and graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all chronic diseases in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates. Researcher in the University of São Paulo, in the Ophthalmology department from 2012 to 2013, Author of the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Author of more than 100 publications about treatment of variety of diseases rebalancing the internal energy using Hippocrates thoughts.
Introduction: In another article written by me, through one research in my clinic in Brazil, I concluded that the majority of population that I am attending is considered immune deficient due to the lack of energy inside the five internal massive organs (Heart, Spleen, Lungs, Kidney, and Liver).
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients with chronic nosocomial osteomyelitis have energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs, that are responsible for the production of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood and the reduction in one or a combination of deficiencies in these energies, can cause the formation of internal Heat, responsible for the yellowish secretion in the bone and not necessary caused by the bacteria infection.
Methods: Through one case report of a 32 years-old female patient with history of motorcycle accident in 2020 with exposed-fracture of the right knee. She was submitted to surgery and after some days, it began to have redness in the skin and began to have yellowish secretion through the right knee. She was submitted to the use of many kinds of intravenous antibiotics use with no improvement of her clinical condition of hospital osteomyelitis (meropenem, vancomycin, etc.). She went to my clinic this date and told me all her history and I performed the measurement of the internal five massive organs energy with the use of crystal-pendulum.
Results: All her internal five massive organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight, with exception of the seventh chakra, that was normal, rated in eight. The treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counselling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture and replenishment of the internal massive organs with the use of homeopathic medications according to the theory constitutional homeopathy of the five elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications. The patient improved from her condition 100% without using any kind of antibiotics.Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that patients with nosocomial osteomyelitis has energy deficiencies in the five internal massive organs and the treatment using antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications can reduce even more this vital energy, that is already low, and causing the symptoms of nosocomial infection or aggravating the evolution of his patient.
Shyamapada Mandal
University of Gour Banga, India
Title: Validation of anti-MPXV activity of myricetin by in silico methods
Time : 13:30-13:50

Shyamapada Mandal is Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology, and Dean (Science), University of Gour Banga, India. He is working on infectious diseases, probiotics, and genomics and bioinformatics research. He did pre-PhD, PhD, and post-PhD research under the guidance of Professor Nishith Kumar Pal at the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, India. He has published 118 articles with eight book chapters. He is life member of IAMM and IASR, India, and fellow member of SASS, India. Eight national academic and research awards have been conferred to him. He has guided 52 post graduate students; supervised three MPhil and three PhD students, and supervising 7 PhD and one MPhil students. Professor Mandal is among the world’s top 2% scientists as per the survey of the Stanford University, published in PLOS (Public Library of Science) Biology (October, 2020). He is featured in the top 2% world scientists list for second consecutive time as published by the Stanford University-Elsevier BV (October, 2021).
The monkeypox, a localized zoonotic disease in Central and West Africa due to the monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection, is now a matter of global concern because of the (ongoing) multi-country outbreak in the rest of the world. An antiviral agent, Tecovirimat (TVM), designed to treat smallpox, is an FDA approved drug that is also licensed to treat monkeypox. However, due to the possible development of resistance to MPXV, TVM treatment failure of monkeypox might be anticipated. In order to check the antiviral efficacy of a plant-derived small molecule (myricetin; MRC) along with the standard drug TVM, against MPXV, molecular docking was performed between MPXV-based proteins (A42R profilin-like protein and MPXV-virulence protein) and the ligands (MRC and TVM), using AutoDock Vina. The binding energy (BE) of MRC to the A42R and virulence proteins were predicted as -7.8 and 7.0 kcal/mol, respectively, while the respective BE values for TVM were -9.0 and 7.6 kcal/mol. Furthermore, the acceptable ADMET profiles and Lipinski’s rule of five of MRC suggest the plant-based natural drug development with the studied compound for combating the monkeypox.
Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil
Title: Why is oral vaccine for COVID-19 the best choice in this pandemic?
Time : 14:10-14:30

Huang Wei Ling, born in Taiwan, raised and graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all chronic diseases in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates. Researcher in the University of São Paulo, in the Ophthalmology department from 2012 to 2013, Author of the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Author of more than 100 publications about treatment of variety of diseases rebalancing the internal energy using Hippocrates thoughts.
Statement of the Problem: Since the end of 2019, the world begins to fight against the new SARS-CoV-2 infection that caused until today 305 million infected people and 5.48 million deaths. There are increasing studies in how to prevent this infection using Pfizer, Moderna, Astra-Zeneca vaccines, etc. but after months using these kinds of products worldwide, we still facing increasing cases of infections also in people who had received the vaccines and also the necessity of admitting them in the hospital. It was reported by CDC since 1900 until today (January 11th 2022), 14.317 deaths after receiving any kinds of vaccines and from this total, 10.688 deaths were following after these RNA-m of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines (0,0022%) and they are responsible for74% of global deaths (of the total of deaths after receiving vaccine).
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to show that injecting RNA-m vaccines for COVID-19 is not the only solution to control this pandemic and other forms of oral “vaccines” for COVID-19 can be used in this kind of situation without having so many side effects presented by the actual vaccines applied nowadays.
Methods: This study will be based on the type of population that we have presently (that 90% is considered immune compromised due to energy deficient state, in research made by the author, caused by the influences of the electromagnetic waves that is affecting the whole world). In this case, we should use highly diluted “vaccines” to produce the result desired and not highly concentrated vaccines that the whole world is using nowadays. These thoughts were based on Arndt-Schultz Law, created in 1888 by two German researchers and they say that the use of highly concentrated medications can harm the vital energy, for this reason, this could be the fact of so many cases of thrombosis, myocardial infarction, strokes, auto-immune diseases or deaths after the COVID-19 vaccines injections applied in this new type of population.
This study is based on the theory of Hahnemann (1755-1843), that said that you can treat the patient using the same substance that caused the disease but using it in an infinitesimal mode and for this reason, in Brazil, we are using secretions of patients that have SARS-CoV-2 infections and diluting them in an infinitesimal mode until PCR exam is negative to that sample. This type of oral “vaccine” can be used in any type of person with or without co-morbidities and can prevent or be used in the treatment of patient with acute infection of SARS-CoV-2 infection and it is the product of choice in prevention or treatment of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, due to the new pattern of energy presented by the majority of patients nowadays.
Results: In our results, patients using these kinds of oral “vaccine” do not have SARS-CoV-2 infection that necessitate to be admitted in the hospital or die due to the use of this medication during this pandemic. When they have this infection using this kind of oral “vaccine”, they have only mild symptoms and only stayed at home without the necessity to be hospitalized.
Conclusion; The conclusion of this study is that oral “vaccine” can be another safest option to prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection, compared to injected vaccines used nowadays, because is easier to be administered (oral), much less cost, without any side effects documented until today. This kind of oral “vaccine” can be used in pregnant women, babies, children, older patients and in any type of immune compromised patient without any restrictions and will reduce the transmission because will increase the vital energy of the patient, contrary when you use the injected vaccine, that can reduce even more the vital energy (that is already low), and causing several complications that we are facing nowadays.
Babatunde Ibrahim Olowu
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Title: Mosquito-Borne Disease: A review of the possible synergism between arboviral infection and plasmodium infection in West Africa, Nigeria
Time : 14:30-14:50

Babatunde Ibrahim Olowu has his passion in the Immunovirology of arboviruses, being a victim of emotional havoc from misdiagnosis; He has structured a carrier of interest around diagnostics medicine. He is currently a part 4 medical student at the university of Ibadan, Nigeria, where is studies veterinary medicine. He is passionate on improving the health and wellbeing of Animals-Humans, and is a recipient of many award and laurels within and without university of Ibadan. Being concencious, he one day wishes he can integrate translational knowledge in Virology into building potential vaccines against common arboviruses that are endemic in Nigeria, Africa.
Background: Mosquitoes are the most prevalent insect vectors in sub-Saharan Africa. These vectors are the leading cause of acute febrile infections within these regions and also a reservoir for many other microorganisms. This led to misdiagnosis and comorbidity with other diseases like Zika virus, Dengue fever, and Japanese Encephalitis infections. Due to various limitations of the Nigerian public health system, co-infections are not accurately assessed, and outbreaks of arboviral diseases are poorly reported and recorded.
Aim: We aim to offer an evidence-based approach to questions concerning the high mortality rate reported in cases of Malaria, especially in children. These reviewed techniques used in diagnosing malaria, proving its crude nature as an aid to misdiagnosis of malaria for viral diseases that share overlapping symptoms. We described the different forms of interactions of arboviruses and Plasmodium in insect vectors, and indicated possible synergies. We analysed various sero-epidemiological models that could aid efficient diagnosis and proposed the best technique for adoption.
Methods: A review of previous studies on the most prevalent febrile diseases in West Africa, Nigeria was conducted by consulting literature from PubMed, Africa Journals Online, Google Scholar, and other databases to source studies within this niche in previous years. Relevant keywords such as mosquitoes, Plasmodium interaction, serological diagnosis, clinical signs of mosquitoes were used.
Result: The various publications consulted highlighted the possibilities and cases of malaria co-infection with several zoonotic arboviruses. There is good data to support the fact that arboviral infections have often been misdiagnosed as malaria and, in frequent cases, resulted in death reported as malaria mortality. Studies and findings on efficiently preventing misdiagnosis have been reported and discussed in various clinical trials, as presented in the reviewed articles.
Conclusion: The effective use of polymerase chain reactions (PCR, nested PCR, RT-PCR) as a serological model in malaria diagnosis is strongly recommended to completely exclude cases of arboviral infection in the diagnosis of malaria. In addition, adopting sero-epidemiological models will help forecast outbreaks of arboviral infections so that appropriate preventive measures are taken.
Andreea Florentina Stoenescu
Clinical Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Romania
Title: Aspects of depression prior to the onset of direct-acting antiviral therapy in patients diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
Time : e-Poster

My name is Andreea Florentina Stoenescu, I am a resident doctor in my 5th year, in the specialty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, in the Clinical Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Diseases ``Dr. Victor Babes`` from Bucharest, Romania. My areas of interest include pediatric infectious diseases but also tropical diseases and hepatitis. Currently I am working on Phd Thesis in the field of C virus hepatitis and my Master Degree programme in medical law.
Introduction: Depression is a common condition reported in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus, with a prevalence of 1.5 to 4 times higher than patients with chronic hepatitis B virus. It affects the quality of life and leads to high costs of health care.
Material and method: Prospective study in a group of 30 patients diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C virus, naive in antiviral treatment, on which the Hamilton Depression Scale questionnaire was applied at the beginning of direct-acting antiviral therapy.
Results: Of the 30 patients, 16 were female, with no discrepancy between the two genders. In the analyzed group, 22 patients are aged between 30-50 years, most of them come from urban areas (21), and the level of education was predominantly average (17). 9 of the patients in the past had risky behaviors (intravenous drug administration), and 13 had at least 1 tattoo. One-third of patients received blood transfusions. Following the results of the questionnaire, 11 of the patients were classified as having a mild depression and 1 patient with a moderate level of depression. In patients with mild depression, the evolutionary stage of the disease represented by the degree of hepatic fibrosis was F0, F1 and F2. The patient with moderate depression had a degree of fibrosis F3. Regarding the first category, 3 of the patients were previously diagnosed with mental disorders and depressive syndrome and were on medication, and 2 were on antihypertensive treatment. The patient, who obtained the highest score after applying the Hamilton scale and also had F3, also had hypertension and diabetes.
Conclusion: Depression remains one of the most common extra hepatic manifestations of chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment have a beneficial effect on both the quality of life and the progression of liver disease.