Euro Infectious Diseases Organizing Committee

Ishwaprasad Satyanarayan Gilada

Unison Medicare& Research Centre

Biography: Ishwar Gilada: A medical doctor, specialized in Skin & STDs with speci ReadMore...

Research Interest: Specialized in Skin & STDs with special training in HIV mana ReadMore...

Farshad Guirakhoo

GeoVax, Inc.

Biography: Dr. Guirakhoo joined GeoVax as Senior Vice President R&D in October 20 ReadMore...

Research Interest:

Catherine Mullié

University of Lille

Biography: Catherine Mullié obtained a PhD in Microbiology and a PharmD at the ReadMore...

Research Interest: development of new antimicrobial and antimalarial drugs, wit ReadMore...

Hoepelman, I.M.

University Medical Center Utrecht

Biography: Professor Dr. Andy I.M. Hoepelman (26-03-1955) is Head of the Departme ReadMore...

Research Interest: pathogenesis, treatment of HIV and viral hepatitis

Ali Karami

Baqiyatallah University of Medical Science

Biography: Ali Karami is Molecular biologist, Medical Biotechnologist and expert ReadMore...

Research Interest: Biotechnology, Genetics, Molecular ,Molecular Biology, Recom ReadMore...

Refat Sadeq

Port said University

Biography: Refat Sadeq, Prof. and Head of Medical Microbiology and Immunology Dep ReadMore...

Research Interest: Virology and Molecular biology.

Janak Kishore


Biography: Professor Janak Kishore is Chief of Serology and Molecular Virology in ReadMore...

Research Interest: Emerging viral infections,Viral epidemics and Clinical Infec ReadMore...

Ashok Kapse

Mahavir super speciality Hospital

Biography: Dr Ashok Kapse is consulting Pediatrician practicing in the city of Su ReadMore...

Research Interest: Dengue, Malaria, Typhoid and Antibiotics

Reza Nejat

Bazarganan Hospital

Biography: Professor Dr. Reza Nejat (1963) is Chief of Khatam-ol-Anbia Hospital, ReadMore...

Research Interest: Echocardiography, acute heart failure, stress response, seps ReadMore...

David W. Ussery

Arkansas Center for Genomic and Ecological Medicine

Biography: Professor David Ussery was born and raised in Springdale, Arkansas. He ReadMore...

Research Interest: Bacterial genomics, Sequencing, Bioinformatics, Proteomics.

Maître de Conférences

Laboratory Glycochemistry, of Antimicrobials and Agroressources


Research Interest:

Ronald C. Montelaro

University of Pittsburgh

Biography: Dr. Montelaro is a Professor in the Department of Microbiology and M ReadMore...

Research Interest: The primary focus of the Montelaro lab is to elucidate the ReadMore...

Carlos A. Guzmán

Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research

Biography: C. A. Guzman graduated in Medicine and become Board Certified in Medic ReadMore...

Research Interest:

Grażyna Rydzewska

UJK, Kielce

Biography: Professor Grażyna Rydzewska M.D., PhD serves as a Head of the Depar ReadMore...

Research Interest: Professor Rydzewska main areas of interest are pancreatology ReadMore...

Irene Wagner-Döbler

Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig

Biography: Irene Wagner-Dobler studied biology in Munich and a PhD on an environm ReadMore...

Research Interest: To understand the mechanisms behind the bacterial communicat ReadMore...

Carmen Alvarez-Dominguez

Institute Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL)

Biography: Carmen Alvarez-Dominguez has completed her Ph.D at the age of 29 years ReadMore...

Research Interest:

Kathleen L Hefferon

University of Toronto

Biography: Kathleen Hefferon received her PhD from the Department of Medical Biop ReadMore...

Research Interest:

Pietro Mastroeni

University of Cambridge

Biography: Pietro Mastroeni received a Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Un ReadMore...

Research Interest: Recent research in his group is focused on the study of path ReadMore...

A. Paulo G. Almeida

Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHMT/UNL)

Biography: A. Paulo G. Almeida is Associate Professor in Medical Entomology/ Par ReadMore...

Research Interest: APG Almeida's main areas of interest are anti-vector (mosqui ReadMore...

Bogdan Circiumaru

"Matei Bals" National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Bucharest

Biography: Dr. Bogdan Circiumaru currently hold the position of a Consultant in I ReadMore...

Research Interest:

Atmaram H Bandivdekar

National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Mumbai

Biography: Dr Atmaram Bandivdekar completed Ph D Degree at the age of 31 years fr ReadMore...

Research Interest: Reproductive Biology, Endocrinology, Biochemistry, Virology ReadMore...