Hannatu Abdulai
Nursing & Midwifery Training College, Ghana
Title: The spread of STDs in our contemporary times, the typical case of Ghana
Biography: Hannatu Abdulai
Sexually transmitted disease commonly referred to as the STDs is one of the infectious disease that has spread so rapidly in Africa and Ghana is no exception. STDs are generally acquired by sexual contact. The organisms such as bacterial, virus or parasites causes sexually transmitted diseases, that passes from person to person through blood, semen or bodily fluids. In Ghana STDs are mostly common due to lack of education and excessive unprotected sexual intercourse among the youth. According to the world health organization (WHO) about 30 percent of active youth in Ghana has STDs.
Symptoms: STDs being one of the infectious diseases is caused mostly by parasites, bacterial or virus and has numerous symptoms that appear within days, weeks, or months when one acquired it. Most common symptoms are gonorrhea, HIV, Syphilis, genital herbs, chlamydia among others. In addition to the symptoms are abnormal genital discharges, burning sensation when urinating, bleeding after sexual intercourse, and sore in the genital or anal area. These are some possible sighs of STDs. One should however note that, the sudden disappearance of the symptom does not necessary mean you are cure as it may manifest itself in different symptoms.
Effects: STDs has a number of effects if left untreated. It may leads to infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, Cancer, chronic liver condition, pregnancy complications, and birth defects among other serious health issues.
Prevention: STDs being one of the infectious diseases has various ways of prevention. Among them are, Practice of safe sex always. Use of condom consistently and correctly or abstaining from indiscriminate sexual intercourse. This is one of the safe preventable measures from STDs. Moreover, visiting health care facility if you suspect that you may have STDs and to encourage your sex partner to seek medical attention. In addition to prevent STDs, do not use razor or tooth brush or needles that has been used by another person’s. Also, one should avoid behaviour that increases the risk of contracting a STDs such as casual sex with strangers or sex worker. These are some of the possible ways to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases which is one of the infectious diseases in Ghana.