ePoster Presentation

ePoster Presentation

Sergio E. Pasteris


Title: Clonal analysis and virulence-associated traits of native Escherichia coli from urethra of gilts and natural/artificial pregnant sows.

Submitted Date: 2018-01-30

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Sergio E Pasteris


Title: Probiotics for amphibians: advances in the selection of lactic acid bacteria for chytridiomycosis control

Submitted Date: 2018-01-30

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Myungjo You

Chonbuk National University, Korea

Title: Proteomic characterization of Haemaphysalis longicornis saliva and determination of saliva-host interaction during blood-sucking periods

Submitted Date: 2018-08-30

Biography Abstract PDF